Monday, May 08, 2006


The last week was a lesson in that law of physics, which states “for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction”.
The firsts and progress of last week were replaced with a bunch of downers.
I don’t mean that the Australian foreign minister and family came to visit, although that would have been interesting.

Firstly, my new laptop had been performing requested duties as efficiently as expected, but had trouble with the concept of time keeping. After setting the correct time, I was astounded to find that it didn’t like this and decided to display a time from some foreign time zone. Maybe it was homesick, I don’t know. I reset the time only to find that the next day it had done the same. Hmmm.
There was nothing for it. I would have to have it seen to.
This meant making a series of phone calls and having to explain to people that

“No I can’t drop it off to you! I’m in a hospital and bed bound.”

“No I’m not going to post or courier it to you. The thing is four days old and you will come and get it!”

So after a few hours a bloke turns up and takes the lap top away.
I would not see it for a week. Turns out it needed a little watch battery.
No biggie, but rather annoying.

Last Wednesday I had a review with the plastic surgeons. We were hoping for the pins in my right fingers to be coming out. The good doctor had decided to postpone that for a week so hopefully this Wednesday I will be the proud owner of a right hand without pins and scaffolding and the like.
Still no biggie, but rather annoying in the sense that I’m going to have to put up with the bloody pins for a bit longer.

The same day I was sent down to have an x-ray of my collarbone done to see if I can start to weight bear on the left arm.
Now I’m not a medic, but it didn’t look good. This was confirmed by the doctor.
What this effectively meant was no wheel chair for this little black duck. Not for a while.
This was a biggie, have to put up with lying in bed for longer.

Last Thursday I realised that while I’m merrily travelling along this road to recovery, I don’t actually know how long it is. So I had a little chat with the doctor. Given my condition and his experience the answer was three to four months from now.
That’s when I get to go home mind you, let alone start driving a car or going back to work.
That was the big one.
The king kahuna!

I was speechless.
I was pissed off!
I was sadly resigned to my fate.
That’s pretty much how Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday were spent.

This is however the start of a new week, at which point I’m trying to make sense of the video clips I stared at mindlessly on the weekend.
Gotta love the septic tanks! After all, we’d all be speaking Japanese or German now if it wasn’t for them.
Some things just can not be forgiven though. Things like modern R & B for example. For a start, I just can not understand how this can be related to the R & B we know and love like Aretha Franklin!
There are actually tracks out there in which the main topic is parts of the body.
Now I’m not talking about the obvious ones, but things like hair or teeth!
Just how much of a moron would you have to be to sing about your teeth?!
Now, I’m not so much worried about the people singing these tracks, but more about the defective units actually buying these singles!

This brings me to the conclusion that although I’m physically unable to move out of my bed and will probably retain some degree of minor physical disability or discomfort, it could be a lot worse.

I could be like these untermenchen that actually buy this shite!

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