Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Special day today!
After countless days of overcast weather, rain and generally crappy weather ( outside that is. it's always 21 degrees in here ) we had a day of blue skies, sunshine and 20 degrees.
And what better day to get a new set of wheels!
Ok so it’s an electric wheel chair, but it’s a set of wheels!
After 2 months of lying in a bloody bed I finally got to get out of my room not because I had to go to x-ray or the Alfred, but because I wanted to!
Sure, to get in and out of the wheel chair I need to be hoisted by the nurses by something resembling an engine crane, but now I can roam freely with the buffalo!
Or at least roam freely with all the other totally screwed up cats that are on this ward.
So my roommate Angelo and I signed out ourselves out of the ward and headed straight down the hall…….down the lift…….down another hall……….past the cafeteria………..down another lift……….past the pharmacy……..out the doors……..down Bridge Road……..and straight to the pub!
And boy did that feel great!
Sitting outside in the sun and the breeze, drinking beer, watching the world go by.
You don’t realise how much such simple things in life are taken for granted until you are imprisoned in a room. ( with a view of the pub! )
Had enough time to have a couple of pots before the old fractured pelvis starting telling me it’s time to head off and made it back well in time for dinner.
I was so beside myself with excitement that I forgot to time how long it takes to get to the pub.
Anyway, in the days ahead I have many activities to complete. Trying to figure out the terminal velocity of an electric wheel chair……..the standing quarter mile time………..the 0 to 5km/h time, etc……….explore the hospital………find the drugs larder……….chase the nurses………play dodgem cars, etc.
So if you don’t hear from me for a few days, I’ll be on the road!