Friday, July 28, 2006


In anticipation of this weekends historic event, my first night out of hospital, the occupational therapist and I had a home visit to assess the house for any possible problems or difficulties one of diminished capability such as myself might encounter.
The first thing I noticed was the little 'present' set up by Cam, I'm assuming.
This is my 'naked islander girl' record stuck into the fly screen at the front door with a little note.
This had the effect of instantly plastering the biggest smile on my dial.

click pic for larger image if you can't read it

We were met by Princess Strawberry, who visited me the day before and dropped off some wizz fizz and a book of cartoons.
Anyone who's not familiar with it, it's a children's confectionary consisting of a very acidic / sour / effervescent powder in little paper bags and supplied with a little spoon, which looks like it could be used for sniffing cocaine.
Anyway, I was in a bit of a state as due to the effort and pain of the day's physio sessions I was sound asleep.
I briefly awoke to accept her fine gifts and promptly fell back asleep only to be awoken by my manager Scott.
I once again fell back into a well needed recovering rest only to be awoken by the day's dinner arriving on my table.
For the second day in a row, I could not face the culinary catastrophe on the plate.
Even though it was better than the day before, it was still pretty darn rotten.
The previous day's dinner was beef lasagne and seasonal vegetables.
The lasagne resembled three pieces of plywood with some mince in between.
At least you'd be getting plenty of fibre, I suppose.
The vegies were beetroots, which looked like they'd been left out in the sun for about two weeks and peas.
Generally you can't stuff up peas but these ones had been contaminated by the plywood and rubbery looking sun dried beetroots.
So you can imagine how glad I was to be having some real food tonight.

The Epworth Cripple Association presents:
Beer ( thanks to my uncle ), pizza ( thanks to the local gourmet pizza vendor ) and opiate drugs ( thanks to the Epworth ) on a friday night.
Doesn't everyone do this on friday night?
I guess the only difference is most people aren't in wheelchairs or wearing neck braces and external metal scaffolding.
These patients know how to party!
Now this is how rehab should be, eh?

Here's cheers to my photgraphy course tomorrow, my first drink back at the local and waking up in my house and not to nurses' morning conversations and drug administrations.



i'll cheers to that!
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