Friday, July 07, 2006


As another countless day turns into another countless night I am brought into a new phase in my recovery.
For I can put the bedridden days truly behind me and concentrate on regaining my ambulatory status.
Much pain and suffering has been paid to reach this point and I can now move on, literally.
Having been forced to involuntarily sacrifice my dignity to the cold obsidian coloured bituman road I have spent 16 weeks on this voyage of convalescence.
The abandoned dignity is now almost returned to me, but not yet in full.
For that last remaining portion I will have to toil just as much.
And pain will be my constant companion as I strive to return to my former state.
But through this pain my vision will be focused and my efforts honest as there is not another to take my place.
I choose and yet I have no choice in this matter.
My only choice being that I apply myself in earnest to the last few tasks and complete the challanges set before me.
Only then can I truly appreciate what it is to walk on my own two feet.

Let he who hath understanding reckon the numbness of this beast. For it is a human numbness. Its numbness is sixteen weeks.


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