Sunday, July 16, 2006



My new cripple bling...

Got ma noo Gold Member outfit on friday!!!
It's soooo sehxy!!!
It's custom made, skin tight, gold and ......................crotchless!!!! ;)
Yep, you gotta wear your undies on the outside!
Gotta wear it for two years and it's designed to reduce swelling and flatten the fillet of fish scar on my right lower leg.
Would you believe made in Perth at a cost of $700?

So much has happened in the last two days I’m almost giddy with decision making as to where to start.
Mind you, that could be down to exhaustion and beer intake during the weekend.

Saturday mum and I took off to a barbecue arranged by Alan at his place for all the people present on the day of the ride, others who helped with the post med. evac. cleanup and cartage of the Yamaha's lifeless corpse ( thanks heaps Shane and Kerry!!! ) as well some others that I've met through the motorcycling experience.
There were some I'd known for some years and others I'd only just met that day ( like Shane and his missus ), but all had fun eating, drinking and exchanging stories.
I found out that when Shane and Kerry went to pick up my bike, they were in the middle of some MRA first aid course, so when they'd finished loading up all the bike and spanked riding gear, the whole lot was taken back to the course to demonstrate what one can expect when arriving on a crash scene and what sort of damage to the gear and injuries to the body are possible.
It's nice to know that even that now useless bunch of stuff served a good purpose.
I must thank Al for organising it, his wife and mother for the catering and Shane for holding the umbrella over the BBQ whilst Al made burnt offerings to the rain gods.

Oh and thanks to Maxi and Erin for attacking me with a hair straightening iron like I was their own personal My Little Pony. The only reason I let them get away with it was because there was nowhere for me to escape in my humble and clunky wheelchair.
Notice how Erin's drinking like a lizard and Maxi's talking thirteen to the dozen?
Don't worry, that's perfectly normal ;)

A very pleasant surprise was the presence of Geoff from Sydney who had flown down just for this occasion and it was great to see him and have a chat about the whole incident and stuff.
I must admit I was a bit worried on the way as all we seemed to encounter was one of the first proper drenchings this winter. ( see photos below )

It was a great opportunity for my mum to meet a lot of the people I've talked and written about and who've really helped me in one way or another since my enforced hibernation.
I was also able to find out how the whole unsavoury incident had affected various people.
Good to know all are still riding even though some had contemplated giving it away.

Sunday, after a very late start ( breakfast at 11 ), I had a visit from non motorcycling mates and the afternoon was spent replenishing our drastically depleted blood alcohol levels with some ice cold draught beer.

Steve and Amy had come back from a trip to Italy and the land of grey ( England ).
Princess Strawberry ( formerly of Watkins St and now a temporary member of Clan Clarence St ) and Brenton from Clan Watkins St with Anne-Maree had turned up.
And a good mate Alicja had rocked up with my mum.
And I had another surprise in the form of Leonie, having turned up from Sydney for the weekend.
And I got a phone call form my old muso mate Glen ( The Swarthy Malanero ) from Queensland!
Tomorrow I'm getting a visit from Michelle from Tassie!
I'm starting to see a pattern developing here.
Looks like a real nation wide few days.

"coz I'm ba-ad..........I'm nation wide" - ZZ Top


Would you like a shmoke und a pancake, goldmember?

only if it comes from your farjah ;)
You know Goldmember, I don't speak freaky-deaky Dutch.


PS.. I hope your hydro and physio is going well.
thanks matie!
not going too bad, but bloody sore and tired
oh and electrocuted ( see today's entry )
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