Wednesday, September 20, 2006



That little demented Italian turned out to be a nasty piece of shit indeed.
After the last episode he had a specialist carer in the room for 48 hours.
What do you know, as soon as the 48 hours were up, he attacked another nurse.
This time, a student who was on our ward for 2 weeks.
I don't believe he's actually demented, but more of a woman basher as he seems to pick on the smallest, most vulnerable nureses, to all the others he's sweet as pie.
It made me absolutely furious that this student was put in that situation, as whoever was in charge of the students failed to mention to them that they are not to go near the piece of crap.
I'm also furious at his fucked up family as they failed to mention the medication he was on ( they actually had the nerve to go off at the hospital for not giving it to him! ), and the fact that he's got a violent history ( at one stage they said that he's so gentle that they couldn't believe he would do such a thing ).
What a pack of arse holes!
The whole bloody lot of them.
And there is nothing really wrong with the little bastard either.
He's got a sore wrist and a couple of black eyes.
Whoopy doo!
He's fully mobile, so he should not be here.
His crazy fucked up daughter is also very violent and prone to pulling Russel Crowe stunts like throwing the phone at nurses, although she's actually bedbound and needs constant medical care.
She will be a handful though when she gets mobile.
There are elderly patients here who are petrified of this woman basher and sleepless because of his daughter.
One has already discharged herself earlier than she should've been.
I told the bloke looking after the prick, that his biggest problem will not be keeping him off the nurses and patients, but keeping the patients off the twisted little monkey.


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