Thursday, November 16, 2006

I LOVE MY COUCH................

Back home again.
Mum picked me up from the hospital and although she did her best to avoid all the potholes and bumps in the road it was still quite uncomfortable.
I found myself hanging my body weight off the handle above the door quite often to reduce the weight and movement on the right flank, but it was still rather trying.
Imagine what a taxi ride would have been like?

We pottered around the house for a bit, had some of Mum's fantastic meaty tomato soup for lunch and relaxed with a viewing of Zoolander, which never fails to amuse ( man he reminds me of George W Bush ).
I must say that the couch in the living room is far more comfortable than the hospital bed with all its infinite adjustments.
The first night in my own bed was pretty good I must say, until the painkillers wore off sometime in the morning.

The bone graft donor site is still quite painful and irritating.
Having had two donor sites before I was a bit surprised how long the pain from this one is lingering on for, mind you I don't think the previous two were as extensive as this one though.
Being where it is too, on the crest of the right hip, it really does restrict my movement.
I can't for example bend down to put on my right sock or shoe, not that that's a problem at the moment, but it does get rather annoying having to be mindful of how I move my body all the time.
The rather large incision on my right butt cheek is much larger than the donor site and is, but is far less a nuisance and even less painful.
Oh well, what can you expect when they carve great big chunks off you bone structure eh.

Cam cooked up a wonderful green chicken curry and that seemed to have sorted out my digestive issues brought on by the hospital stay.
Now it's just a case of killing more time at home and waiting for the pain to subside.
Hopefully by Monday when the nurse comes around to remove the numerous staples, I should be in far better shape.
Till then, it's dvd's and internet for me to kill the time.


Hey Chris, glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Thought I would share a quick story with you.... in Zoolander style, I'm not an ambi-turner anymore. Yesterday I pinched a nerve in my neck and can't turn right anymore. Loving physio...NOT. I hope to be an ambi-turner again soon. Annemarie.
Hmm, sounds delightful! Do enjoy the dvd watching, hope the donor site stops the irritating soon. xox
hey chris. just had a thought about the brick.
i would be stuffed at self administering. put in the tube, squeez, and the thing would fall out ;-(
would have to have a baloon on the end like a catheter.
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