Wednesday, December 06, 2006


After arriving at physiotherapy this morning, the taxi actually turned up on time for a change, I plonked myself down one of the massage tables and prepared myself for another session of pain appreciation.
If you can have music appreciation and film appreciation session, then why not pain appreciation.
Not to be confused with sado masochism, that's just twisted.
Anyway, I digress.
A patient turned up, who I remember from my time as an inpatient at Epworth Hospital.
I recall that I never really warmed to him for some reason.
Maybe it was his bogan attitude or his inability to see a glass as half full or even half empty, it was just empty.
He pulled out a large envelope and presented its contents to me.
It was an x-ray film of his pelvis and it looked remarkably like mine, with the exception of having a couple of extra plates.
The thing that stood out was that the large plate had fractured.
I started thinking of how one would inflict such forces and pressures required to break one of these metal plates and came to the conclusion that he must have been putting too much weight through it, or more than he was allowed to.
I offered some sort of obligatory sympathy but it really was lacking in enthusiasm, probably because of my previous experience with him.

Afterwards I went down to the swimming pool for my dose of pain appreciation in aquatic suspension.
Upon my entry into the water I was promptly accosted by a fellow patient, the one who had broken the plate on his femur.
He enquired if I had left my bag in the change room and I told him that indeed I had.
He then warned me not to leave it there, but rather place it in the staff office.
And for good reason, as he had been robbed only a short while ago.
Credit card and nearly $300, stolen.
Having his suspicions as to who the perpetrator might be, he gave a name to the police.
The police had produced some security images of the crutched culprit as he was happily loading up the stolen credit card at a variety of stores around the Collingwood area.
What do you know, it was that unsavoury type with the broken pelvic plate.
Turned out that particular day when the crime was committed, was also his first day back at outpatient rehab.
And just to make things worse, he kept trying to buddy up to the feller he robbed, until he was confronted by him.
The feller requested that the robber not talk to him again.
The robber asked why, complete with fake puzzled look.
The feller challenged him that he knew why.
The robber still refused to confess.
The feller finally had to spell it out to him, that he'd seen the security footage and the pathetic excuse for a man with a stolen credit card in hand, was in fact him.
Even then he claimed to know nothing of the incident.
The police have laid charges and a court appearance awaits the filthy scumbag.
I just hope the magistrate doesn't buy any of that "poor me, been in a smash, poor me" crap.
I know for a fact that it was his own reckless driving that put him in that situation in the first place.

Sorry, no photos today as Blogger has decided not provide that function for some undisclosed reason.


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well, just make sure that even though you're forced to associate with pathetic crims, that you don't end up becoming one... ;-)
Yes, one would have thought that these people have enough to deal with let alone putting up with crims eh.

I think the only crime I'm guilty of lately is taking illegal substances and dishing out controlled drugs to mates. ;)
In Cork they would call him a langer... (to quote the song).

You gotta hope he doesn't get a particular magistrate in Melbourne who sees herself more as a social worker (Bec, you know who I'm talking about I think!), cos his sob story will get a good run there. But I've seen quite a few operate like real hard-asses, so who knows...
A right langer indeed!!!! :)
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