Thursday, February 15, 2007


Let's see, what's been happening since last post.
Got a new pain in my right ankle, which has slowed me down somewhat.
It started as a pain that would come in a 5-6 second wave and then do it again in a minute or two.
Completely random timing and no particular reason, but since the weekend it has settled in to the point that it makes itself felt every time I put weight through that leg.
The physios have booked an orthotist for Monday, we'll see what he has to say.
For some reason the physios have been giving me a right royal going over this week and every time I come back I've been feeling totally knackered, to the point that I've resorted to nanna naps when I get home.

Went to trivia night at the East Brunswick hotel with Bec, Gino and ran into our neighbour John.
With a little help from Scottish Dave, who I have know from 'the place that sells bad beer' and who also runs trivia nights there, we came out the winners by 1 point!
That means a slab of beer for us and yet another conquest in the northern suburbs trivia campaign.

I've been editing some photos for The Angels.
They requested a CD with some shots, so we'll see if they end up using any of them.

Clarence St has been making slow, but decisive plans for the B&W party on Saturday.
All the friends of our new housemate Gemma are coming in white and all of my mates in black.
She managed to rope in an AV tech mate of hers to light up the place like Baghdad at the start of Operation Shock and Awe.
Over the next couple of days there'll be some more tidying up and then final preparations on Saturday including 100 helium balloons, turning one of the rooms white and the other black, barbecue supplies as well as all sorts of beverages and stuff......
Security shouldn't be a problem.
If anyone plays up we'll just shove a piece of barbecued meat down their pants and release the Hens of Hell upon them.
I did think of just tying the hens to the front gate posts as bouncers.
Even contemplated making little lanyards with identification tags displaying their number and all.



I wondered where the beer had come from... you guys rock!!
Also, it is my birthday today
Can I come too?
I had a few drinks for my blogging friends so you were there in thought KK. :)
Awesome! You rock, Chris!
It's already 4 days after !
I'm sufferng withdrawal symtoms !
Hey Gemma, Happy Birthday!

Sorry we didn't get to chat properly at the party, but no doubt we will meet again at Clarence St.

You know what gets me, was just thinking of this. I feel bad about Cushla getting the Amazon comments all the time. Even if it is seen as a compliment (which it certainly is from me bc I am super jealous of anyone with long legs), we shouldn't really say such things because it is not fair to judge people on their physicality, be it in a positive or negative fashion. None of us can help the genes we are born with. Who we are as people is what is most important, not what we look like.
I know quite a few "beautiful" people who aren't actually very nice. And, of course, the reverse applies.
Now, in Cushla's case, she is not only physically gorgeous but is a lovely person too. I really enjoyed chatting to her and was v impressed by how clever she was and grounded for someone in their early 20s. That is the best compliment I can pay her, not commenting on her long legs - she didn't get a say in being born with them, but she is responsible for who she is as a person, ie a credit to herself.

Gosh, have totally gone off on one there! Sorry about that, but it's just something I've been thinking about a bit lately. Hope you don't mind me using your blog to vent like this, Chris! ;-)
Whoever anonymous was, I can totally relate.

Becstar ummm, ok
Feel free to vent, and comment, that's what this is for. :)
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