Sunday, April 08, 2007


Happy Easter to all.

Good Friday passed without incident for me, which was a nice change from a week ago.
The only injuries I incurred were a couple of blisters on my right index and middle fingers.
The plan on Friday was that Brenton would come around with his clarinet and we would have a bass / clarinet jam session.
I was quite looking forward to that and even got my good bass out, thinking it would be a good idea to warm up a bit and get used to the old girl again.
My choosing Iron Maiden's 'Powerslave' to warm up to turned out to be the wrong decision.
Thinking that playing through the album should be a breeze I was reminded of how physical a player Steve Harris is.
At the end of the first side I was sporting two fluid filled bubbles on the end of my distal phalanges.
That'll learn me gooooood........

Having a few mates over for some drinks that night, I was rather pleased that my alter ego "Captain Self Destructo" had decided to take leave for a while.
I for one would be rather chuffed if he didn't come back for a while.
Maybe there's some sort of store where you can trade your alter ego for another one?
I could try "Sensibility Man" or "Metal Wise Arse Boy"?

Anyways, hope the Easter Bunny has been kind to you all, unlike my chickens.
I caught him this morning attempting to insert foil covered chocolate eggs into the bloodthirsty hens.
Their displeasure manifested itself in an assault on the benevolent, yet perverted rabbit during which the little sicko was beaten to within an inch of his cotton tailed life.


That's pretty witty, though, trying to make hens eat eggs.
Like you'd ever do a swap for "Sensibility Man"...

The best we could hope for was what we got Friday night, me thinks.

And yes, I am still proud of you for not falling over! ;-)
GB - I didn't specify which end of the chickens the rabbit was going for did I?

Becstar - I kept myself nice on Friday I thought!
As I remember it was you doing the falling over...
Excuse me? Are you besmirching my fine character?!

I didn't fall anywhere on Friday night. I drank water and sobered up around midnight. Nicki, on the other hand...

And I wasn't being sarcastic (for once in my life), I said I was proud of you for not falling over. Better just slag you off some more then.

So many things to say, so little time... Hehe... :-P
For some reason I pictured the chocolate eggs going in the other end of the hens. I think the word "insert" was what did it for me. HAHAHA sicko easter bunny!
Bec - Slag away!!!
I still know you fell over. ;)

KK - Apparently the bunny reckoned the eggs were to be a surprise when we go to check the nesting boxes in the morning.
It kind of backfired.
OK--somehow I missed the part that you gather eggs from these vicious hens of yours--baaahhaaaa. That makes it even funnier!
When did I fall over? Describe please (1000 words or less).

And, if I did fall over (which I seriously don't remember doing and doubt the voracity of your recollection), I have two words for you: Glass Houses...
KK - the only reason we have the damned chickens is for the egss!!!

Bec - It's circumstantial, but i still believe you came a gutser that night. :)
I think there may be a bit of displacement going on there, Chris.

Never fell. Did break a wine glass in my back yard, though. But they're from Arthur Daley's, so no great loss.

Evidence supporting my argument: when I go A over T in a drunken stupor there will invariably be bruises, and I is bruise free, Sunshine... :-)
Nicky told me you fell off the chair or something?
What a dibber dobber Nicki is!

It all becomes clear now...

It was at my house, not at yours, hence me knowing you couldn't have been a witness!

I was leaning over in my chair on the dodgy paving out the back of my place to fill up Nadia's wine glass and the chair unbalanced (I leave this space for you to insert obligatory sarcy remark.........).

I didn't consider it an A over T as I remained seated at all times, and caused myself no damage, unlike yourself recently! Though you do get cripple allowances that I don't... ;-P

I honestly thought you were talking about a stack at your house, hence the vehement denials. :-)
You dare doubt the moomins integrity?!
Oh yes, Sir, I do dare... :-)
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