Thursday, June 28, 2007


Taking the tram to physio is an interesting exercise in people watching.
The tram arrives and like some mechanised whale, swallows up the half asleep commuters until it cannot swallow any more of the CBD bound folk.
Later on it throws them up like some meal that did not agree with it.
It really is amazing how many of these people choose to shut themselves off from the world by inserting little ear buds and replacing the real world sounds with whatever they have downloaded into their mp3 players.
On one occasion I noted that pretty much all the people around me had turned zombie and plugged into a binary soundscape.
What really bothers me is the volume some of these people listen to their music.
Not only are they doing irreparable damage to their hearing, but they are also enforcing their usually crap taste in music upon unsuspecting victims like me.
It is not uncommon for me to be able to hear their audio broadcasts from distances of 5-7 metres, and that's on a tram packed with people to absorb the sound and also all the noise and clatter emanating from the tram itself.
If you are going to purchase and use a personal audio device then it should remain exactly that!
I don't want to hear your shite commercial music because you can't deal with the sounds of reality.
Maybe their hollow heads act as a resonator, not unlike the body of a guitar and increase the volume?
None of these people ever bop to the music either.
It's quite normal to see people nodding their heads or drumming on steering wheels as they listen to music in their cars, but these audio terrorists on the tram don't even budge!
Not a toe tapped.
Not a finger drumming on a railing.


It's almost as if they're not even enjoying the tunes they're playing, which kind of defeats the purpose of listening to music in the first place.
When was the last time they made eye contact with a fellow traveller, shared a smile or god forbid had a conversation?
I partly blame Apple and their iPod for successfully flooding the world with these little hearing destruction devices.
Their successful mass marketing has resulted in millions of people around the world actively choosing to disassociate themselves from their fellow human beings.
It's almost uncool not to be wired for sound these days.
I'm very tempted to take my little travel speakers, which actually pump out a decent volume and enforce my impeccable musical taste on these people.
After all, if I am forced to put up with their musical choices then they can cop some of their own medicine in return.

Ahhhh, I feel a lot better after that rant.


I get where you're coming from here, Chris. Those eejits that play crap music at full volume shit me to tears too.

As you know, I've got an iPod. I never play it loud - my hearing has been damaged enough from standing too close to speakers at too many gigs. When listening to my iPod I more than bob my head or tap my foot to the music, I often mouth the words and, if alone (lift at work on my way home etc) I'll happily sing along. People smile at me as I do it as they can see how into my music I am. I love that I often feel like there's a soundtrack to my life as I walk through the streets.

But I can also be sneeky - when I'm on a tram and people are talking, I normally switch off my iPod and listen to the conversation. Gives me the chance to eavesdrop without looking suspicious - and I can't tell you how much I love doing that. I know, I'm weird, nothing new there... ;-)
You should get one of the old extra large boom boxes and carry it around on your shoulder blasting the music like in the 80s. Did ppl do that in OZ too? I'm with ya on the iPod thing. My boyz should be shot! And they're taste in music is horrid!!!
Becstar - You would be in the minority I reckon and I know for a fact that you don't listen to crap music eh.
The listening in on conversations is an interesting concept though.

Karen - I'm hearing you Karen, a big silver ghetto blaster might just be the ideal tool for the job.
I believe your boys listen to rap or something yeah?
They must have a lot of wax in their ears if they need to play the music at full blast. I admire humans who can make snapping noises by flicking the fingers of opposing hands against each other. Much better than snapping the fingers of one hand, but hard to perfect.
You might be onto something there GB.
Poor aural hygiene might well be the cause.
Hey dude, I've tagged you for a meme... cause you'd do an interesting one. Check it out on my blog. Cheers!
Will do Maja :)
What the hell's a meme? :\
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