Monday, August 06, 2007

WOE IS ME (insert melodramatic hand to forehead movement)

I don't know what happened on the weekend, but I picked up the dreaded lurgy.
Since Saturday I've been sicker than Bob Flanagan.
Well not quite that sick.
Not like I've been shoving baseballs up my arse or 6 inch bails through my penis, but pretty crook none the less.
My head's been throbbing harder than a honeymooner's dick and my nose and lungs have been engaged in a steady production of unsavoury body fluids, with the snot and lung butter constantly trying to make their escape at the most inconvenient moments, like when I'm trying to sleep.
The fever took hold and I'd been sweating like a paedophile in a playground, which didn't help my sleeping attempts either.
At least this time I was in my own bed and not post surgery like a year ago.

I did go to work on Monday, but was persuaded by my colleagues to go home at lunch time.
Glad I listened to them as I just got progressively worse as the day wore on.
I think I worked out a way to pass the time though.
Rugged up on the couch watching cinematic masterpieces like: 'Queen of the Amazons', 'The Wasp Woman' and 'She Gods of Shark Reef'.
Drinking orange juice by the pint and slowly destroying a rainforest in Borneo in the form of a box of Kleenex tissues are par for the course too.
Recommended listening for this kind of condition: Showbiz by Muse, Doremi Fasol Latido & In Search Of Space by Hawkwind, Dub Side Of The Moon by the Easy Star All-Stars.
Worse part was that the joint ache associated with this sort if disease became somewhat accentuated due to my many internal orthopaedic modifications, sucks to be me but hey, could always be worse.


So very sorry, my friend! Someone needs to bring this poor soul some homemade chicken soup!!!

Hope ya feel better right away.
I've had 3 women offer to bring me food, but none of them have mentioned chicken soup though. Dang it!!
geez it seems like everyone has gotten the flu this year. I had it a couple of months ago and I felt worse than I have in years!
This is my first time at your blog. Sorry to hear that you're sick! (Am I going to catch something being here--coming in contact with your first post about illness. Is it viral?)

I hate being sick, except that you'll have the weight loss to look forward to, right?

I'm a standup comedienne and there's nothing funny about illness--not if you're experiencing nor if you're watching someone experiencing it.

Get better! I guess I shouldn't expect any new posts for a while. This'll give me a chance to catch up on past posts.

Nice coming across your blog!
Big hearty welcome to ya Lucy.
I do think this one's viral, but not in that electronic kind of way.
Either way, my main illness is of the mind, or so my mates tell me.
Enjoy your stay here, it's a bit of a Days Of Our Lives type scenario in ways, but I'll let you make up your own mind ;)
See ya round like a rissole
Karen - still got the arse end of the flu, but coming right.
C u soon :)
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