Friday, October 31, 2008


31 October 2008

Things have been rather busy lately. What with the semester coming to an end and end of term assignments due, as well as all the usual stuff that goes on.
You'd think that by now I would have built up an immunity to surprises, but as it turns out that's just not the case.
A week ago I was merrily doing the washing up when out of the bathroom comes Snorkmaiden. In her hand was something that resembles one of those little flat plastic stirring sticks you get with your instant coffee at late night petrol stations.

"I'm pregnant."

"Ok, let me just finish up the washing babe."

As it turned out she had bought one of those pregnancy test kits from the chemist and used up both test strips. Result: 2 positive tests.
Now, I wasn't totally in denial but I was hoping that maybe there was some weird biological thing going on that caused an overproduction of whatever chemical or hormone that sets off the test strips.
So, it was off to the doctor on the weekend for a blood test which should prove conclusively what we both suspected.
The doctor on duty was a strange cat I had seen before when I had the staples removed from my last operation. He looked like a cross between Tattoo from Fantasy Island and some sort of bad guy from a 60's or 70's James Bond film.
In his white old school doctor's outfit, which to me looked like a leisure / safari suit, he appeared like he'd been time transported to a time that was not his own.
After taking a blood sample he gave some encouraging words in his heavy Indian accent and we were sent off to await the results which we would receive the following Tuesday.

Tuesday 0830 hrs.
D day.
Test result: +
4-5 weeks pregnant.

Now, the wedding was planned for March 2009 and we had some things to think about.
Snorky didn't fancy the idea of having her wedding dress altered so much that it would require the cannibalisation of another outfit to make it fit.
At this point we had to make a decision.
Do we postpone the wedding until after the baby is born or do we move it forward?
We opted for the latter.

So many things to do, so many calls to make.
After calling our respective managers to tell them we would not be in for the rest of the day we started on the potentially impossible task of organising a wedding with one month to go.
As the financial advisor and the jeweller who crafted the engagement ring were very close to each other we paid them both a visit. The financial plan had to be altered to accommodate the baby that was coming a year ahead of schedule and the wedding bands had to be made up.
After that it was off to the church to see Fr. Bob McGuire. He was able to fit us in for the 30th November and considering it is a civil requirement to lodge an intention to marry at least 1 month before the date we made it with just a couple of days to spare. The reception venue couldn't give us the room we had booked and put a $1000 deposit on, but were able to accommodate us in another one. Considering the time of year and all the Christmas functions going on it was incredible that we managed to get in at all.
The wedding car people also made both the cars we booked available and despite the wedding now being on a weekend not a weekday, kept the same discounted rate.
After that it was off to check some suits for me and then to see the wedding dress people to see if they can still supply the dress on time and carry out final fitting / alterations.
That evening I spoke to the photographer who is one of my fellow students and she was also able to do the deed on the said day.

So, bar some smaller doable details the majority of the wedding was planned out and set in concrete in one day.
That day there were texts sent out alerting of the change of date and we were genuinely surprised as to the number of people who have committed to attending, especially with such short notice and with many coming from interstate.

I'm off for the annual Melbourne Cup Camping Extravaganza for four days in the alpine region of Victoria to camp by the
Howqua River.
Then back to work, school and wedding planning.


A BABY???? Wow. How exciting. I'm sure it was a challenge to try and rearrange everything, but congratulations! WOOHOO.
Wow! Congratulations! How amazing that you've managed to move the wedding to so soon. I decided to move our wedding back to two years from now because a year seems too soon to organise one. I am obviously just a total wuss.

Nice work :)
Congratulations thats just brilliant. Excellent how all the wedding things could be brought forward with such ease... Now you can scoff at all those who talk about what a stressful and difficult thing it is to plan a wedding...
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