Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Well this'll be the last post for a few days as I will be getting shifted to another ward for post op.
I'm being forced to relocate all my 5 months worth of accumulated crap to another ward for a few days and then back to my current ward.
The move will be carried out in my absence, whilst the good doctor is busy bestowing new scars upon my already somewhat modified body and drilling holes in my bones, therefore I will not be trusting my laptop to the hospital staff, or my prized Canon 350d for that matter.
Mum's popped in and taken away some of the crap and the camera, but I'm leaving the 'puter with my cellmate so when I return I can just get it off him without having to wait for someone to bring it in from the outside.
This whole moving thing really sucks as far as I'm concerned, for a couple of reasons.
Having to move all my junk is a hassle, especially when I'm not there to supervise it.
There is no guarantee that I will be going back to my cellmate and there is a real danger that I will be forced to endure another faecal commentary man.
The only consolation is that the cute Kiwi nurse will be there as she was transferred to that ward a couple of months ago.
So "Operation Bone Flute" is nigh and I will be able to notch up number 9.
This as we all know is not the last, but hopefully the last one for this period of hospitalisation.

As my sister's man, Glenn would say ''chowfanow!''


Fare thee well!! I hope it all goes off without a hitch.
It went, but not without hitches unfortunately :(
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