Thursday, May 28, 2009


Dear blog,
A thousand apologies for neglecting you recently. It's not you, it's me. I promise.
I've just been so busy lately, that I've found it difficult to make time to foster our relationship and rekindle the closeness we once had.

Anyway, the last couple of months have been steadily busy. A sustained continuing mish mash of going to work, preparing for the coming addition to our family, school work and some semblance of a social life shoehorned in there somewhere.
Between managing to maintain a focus on making some head way with my folio and everything involved with the coming birth I am rather happy with the way things are progressing.

After getting my camera back from the repairer I shot some images to be used on a friend's website. I got to a point that I was not able to shoot the subject matter as it was getting too dark for the auto focus to work and the lack of ambient light combined with the tiny viewfinder meant I was not able to focus manually either. As well as that, my preffered zoom lens was playing ( not the one that was repaired ) and that is now also in the camera service centre.
After some thought I made a decision to jump in the deep end and buy a new camera as I figuered My old one had served it's purpose well, but was not up to the job anymore. The old Canon 350D was purchased with the intention of helping me learn how to use a proper camera, and that is exactly what it's done, but now I must move on to bigger and better things.
So with the imminent price hike I bought a Canon 5D Mark II with 24-105mm lens.
The problem is that my old laptop is 3 years old and just like in Star Trek, "she just hasn't got tha power!!" to effectively deal with the file sizes that come from the 21.5mp sensor and progressively get larger and larger as more work is done in Photoshop, which incidentally is an old version and not compatible with the CS3 we use at school.
So.....most of my work on the folio images has to be done at school, which means more time spent away from home and being limited to the amount of work I can actaully do to the images due to time constraints.

As it turns out I have to take a 6 month deferral as the 3rd stage only starts in February and I started my schooling in the mid year intake. Oh, well. I will probably need that extra time with the bub coming on anyway, so I'll hold off acquiring more computing power untill then as 6 months can be a long time on the IT world.

Snorkmaiden is going very well. All within specifications according to the obstetrician. We recently attended some pre and post birth classes at the hospital and let me tell you now, no one really wants see video footage of other people giving birth, especially when there are forceps, tearing & talk of C sections involved!
She finished her book on pregnancy and childbirth and has decided that she will not be giving birth after all. Reckons the whole thing sounds terrifying and she's happy to get an entire new wardrobe and stay 8 months preggers for the rest of her life.

Our little Cashew is not so little now and I'm not too sure what kind of organic nut, fruit or vegetable to compare it to. Maybe a kickboxing bunch of carrots? Iit loves using it's mum's spleen as a speedball and liver as a body bag, when it's not using her inestine as a skipping rope that is. It has certainly had bouts of great activity and most times when my hand is placed on the belly it calms down and stops. Not all the time, but definitely a lot. I hope this phenomenon translates into something useful when it's born.

I've been plaing quitar for it and we've both been singing Rainbow Connection. Maybe we can use its familiar tones to settle the bub when it's grumpy on the big bad outside.
Who knows, but the song is certainly fantastic and fun to play.

It is exactly one month to go for both my endo of semester folio and the bub!
I just hope the little one can stay inside until the folio is well and truly printed, mounted and presented.


Heeeeeyyyyy--missed seeing you around these parts and wondered how the little guy was cooking.

Thanks for paying blogville a visit and giving an update. I hope we will be able to see your folio at completion and a lovely pic of your expanded family.

I remember thinking the same things as snorkelmaiden for my first go around--I decided around the 8th month to just stay pregnant and not go though with delivery. Look where that got me--all the way to #6. YIKES! ;-)

Having never gone through the whole childbirthing thing I can only say - Snorkmaden, it's too late now!

Great to have a post from you, good to know that things are swell. I know that with your positive attitude only good things will come. Look forward to seeing some new photos - whether from you folio or of the new addition both will be a joy I am sure!!
KK - 6 is probably a fair way off our plans too, but we'll see how we go eh ;)

NM - Thanks for the lovely thoughts. We both feel pretty relaxed about the prospect, but that is because we are ignorant ;)
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